Fair Trade

We started cuddle+kind to be a reflection of our values. That's why all our hand-knit dolls are ethically produced in Peru where we provide over 750 talented artisans with a sustainable, fair trade income. 

For us, fair trade is a commitment to a different way of doing business. It's about putting the principles of fairness and decency before profits. This means that we are committed to paying women artisans fairly and equitably for their work which allows them to care for their families and plan for their futures. We are proud when we hear about the meaningful change this brings to their lives.

Impacting lives in Peru

We are proud to provide over

750 artisans

with sustainable, fair trade employment in Peru. The more cuddle+kind grows, the more livelihoods we'll be able to support and positively affect lives in the region.


is at the root of all good things

Inspiring the next generation

One of the reasons we started cuddle+kind was to set a good example for our children. It's one thing to tell them they can achieve anything if they follow their hearts, but it's another to show them! It was also important to us to demonstrate to them that kindness can and should always be a part of who you are, especially at work.

We believe in the power of business to help others and that it's possible to build both a fulfilling and rewarding career by trying to make the world a better place. cuddle+kind provides an opportunity for our children to see first-hand how they can help others and how each of us can make a difference.

To see the values we aim to instill in our children, please visit our inspiration wall.

there are two precious gifts we can give our children, one is roots, the other is wings